Sunday, 25 December 2022

3 Point Checklist for Finding the Ideal Environmental Consultancy in Town

It won't be wrong to state that we are living in the day and age of projects. Almost every passing day some project is being announced. You take the case of projects involving the building of physical infrastructure. Their scale seems to be increasing by the day. Mega road projects are being announced. Similarly, unbelievable tunnel projects are being built in different parts of the world. Huge residential projects are now a reality in most major cities of the world. With economic development in different parts of the world, there is also rising demand for different products. Catering to the demand is the large number of new industries that are being established. All this has meant that there is more concern about environmental pollution these days. This is to be expected since the ecology we live in is fragile. There is a delicate balance that we need to maintain between development and the environment. Good news has come in form of various regulations that have become part of several countries. In Australia for example, there are a standard set of assessments that project developers need to carry out before they get the approval to carry on with their projects. For example in the case of certain industrial projects, a project developer is supposed to complete an Effluent Disposal Report. Similarly, in the case of another project, they may need to submit a Flora and Fauna Report. However, the question is who is going to help them prepare these reports? This is where environmental consultancies step in. They are the experts who will do all the necessary studies and draft the report. The good thing about Australia is that there are many good environmental consultancies here. How do you select one? There are some simple tips discussed here that will help you.


Seek Referrals

There are many sources of referrals that can help you find a good consultancy. For example, there could be others in similar businesses that can help you. Find out of any of them have been in touch with some consultancy. Similarly, there could be friends who may know a few good consultancies. There are even chances that someone in the family might know a good consultancy or two. There is no harm in getting referrals.


Review Websites

They are another good way to find out about environmental consultancies. For example, if you want to know more about the steps involved in a Bush Regeneration report, you could find useful information shared by someone over such websites. Similarly, if you want to know more about the 5 Part Test of Significance, there are chances that you can find some solid information on the topic over these websites. This knowledge will help you whenever you are discussing with environmental professionals.


Budget Help

The internet is again the best place to find out about the fees typically charged by environmental consultancies. For example, you want to get a Vegetation Management Plan, then go through different websites and find out about the charges. Right from the Preliminary Investigation to the other assessments, you can find a ton of information over the internet.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

2-Point Checklist for Helping You Discover the Right Environmental Consultancy

There is a lot of research being carried out about the kind of impact that developmental activities have on the environment. There is no denying the fact that there has been rapid economic growth around the world. You open the newspapers and you can find reports about mega projects almost every passing day. There are thousands of kilometers of roads being laid. Huge residential townships are springing up. One can find factories coming up in different parts of the world. All this development has meant that there are certain types of assessments that project developers need to do to get approval for their projects. For example in Australia, you may need to do a Preliminary Site Investigation to get approval. How do you get it done? Well, you can seek the help of environmental consultants. With so many of them available, how do you finalize one? Here are some simple tips to do so.


Initial research

Yes, it is agreed that there are many good consultancies available. However, does it mean that you shouldn’t do any research on your part? No, is the answer. There are many useful websites where you can get solid information about the different types of assessments. For example, if you want to know about Bush Regeneration, then there are many good websites available on the topic. Similarly, if you want to know about the steps involved in preparing an Effluent Disposal Report, once again there are many useful online sources from where you can get solid information.


You can also visit the websites of leading Environmental Consultancies to find information. For example, you can find out about the number of years they have been in business. You can also find out about the kind of services that they offer. Get to know whether they have specific teams for different assessments. For example, do they have an exclusive team to take care of the 5 Part Test of Significance? Similarly, what about their expertise in the field of SEPP 55 Contamination Assessment? All this information will come in handy whenever you are interviewing consultancies.


Budget tips

Then comes the tricky part. Yes, we are talking about the budget here. How do you fix the budget? Well, once again the answer is simple. Use the internet. Go through a few websites and you will get a fair idea about the charges of leading consultancies. However, don’t make Remember, there are other factors that you need to consider. For example, experience is an important factor. This is a field where organizations don’t become popular overnight. It is only after they have successfully done many projects, spread over some time, that they gain a good reputation in the market. So, it is important to consider experience. Similarly, you will also need to take a look at a consultancies team strength. Find out whether they have the necessary personnel to carry out the assessments that you want. The final thing that you need to do is to discuss the fees part thoroughly with the consultancy that you want to choose. Note down their payment terms. If you have any doubts clarify them during the initial meeting. This will ensure that there is no confusion arising later on.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

How Professionals Design Vegetation Management Plan

Vegetation Management Plans are undertaken to restore and manage bushland. These are often required when bushland abuts residential, rural, rural, or infrastructure developments. Often associated with Endangered Ecological Communities and threatened plants or fauna habitats, these areas are essential, and transparent management is required.  


With a background in soils, the company has been involved in restoring and managing native communities. The company undertakes a range of services from developing a Vegetation Management Plan and implementation on the ground to restoring ecosystems on barren ground.


Vegetation Management Plans are often requested as part of the Development Application process. Due to our years of experience writing VMPs and implementing the works on the ground, we provide well-thought-out plans that are cost-effective and efficient to implement. In addition, our focus has always been on ecological restoration; thus, viewing the flora and fauna ecology is focused on flora. As such, our plans offer meaningful gains in ecological values.  


It has been seen to be extremely valuable by local councils over the years as the progress and areas of our on-ground bushland and joined up to other areas of bushland, thus improving their integrity and viability.


A background in soils and agriculture assists our Restoration Ecology work on the ground in implementing our Vegetation Management Plans. We assess the soil's structure, nutrient, and water holding capacity, allowing us to plan our restoration works.  


Custom-designed watering systems are often used to provide for excellent plant growth in a short period and to bring plants via the hot summer. Our watering systems have achieved excellent results in periods of drought with high temperatures of 45 degrees Celsius.


We utilize the most cost-effective herbicide solutions for weed management and ecosystem maintenance, which are timed for maximum effectiveness. Overall our experience provides cost-effective solutions for our clients and highly pleasing visual outcomes as the work often version the visual backdrop for new home subdivisions.


Vegetation Management Plans and our experience implementing these plans on the ground to control weeds, stabilize soil and replant natives to restore ecosystems is essential for the ecology of such sites. We have undertaken many projects in Bush Regeneration and Ecosystem Rehabilitation over the years. It also involves the provision of fauna habitat through native site materials and artificial nest boxes.


Monitoring such works' progress is critical to their success, and monitoring of fauna recovery and use of nest boxes is also undertaken. Our techniques are innovative and get great results. For example, its custom-designed watering system uses special soil conditioners and fertilizers to enable rapid plant growth. The more the plants grow, the more quickly the maintenance costs are reduced, and with the natives shading out the weeds, less regular maintenance for weed control is required. 


The company undertakes monitoring for the Vegetation Management Plans to show the progression of the vegetation through time. It is a consent condition from most councils, and the data is quite valuable to vegetation management.  

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Know About The SEPP 55 Contamination Assessment Process

If you are about to buy, sell, or refinance a property or apply for planning permission, you will need to know if your land is contaminated. The first stage in the process is making a site search. The site search is completed during the due diligence process, which is usually undertaken by a solicitor or conveyancer, who will check the details against a database. The search will list all recorded uses of the site and neighboring areas. 


Check with the Local Authority and Environment Agency.


As the statutory regulators of contaminated land issues, the Local Authority and Environmental Agency's views on the site are the most important. They can determine whether the property is acceptable or needs further assessment. If the Local Authority has no concerns over contamination of your land, you need not take further action.


If there are concerns with the site, the Local Authority can guide you on what to do next. For example, suppose the land is contaminated to the extent that it may be affecting groundwater or surface water. In that case, the Environment Agency are contacted as they regulate the water environment, and they will also provide guidance.


Risk Assessment


If the regulators cannot discount the contamination issues, the next step is to conduct a risk assessment under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This step must be completed using a qualified contaminated land consultant or practitioner. The risk assessment process is divided into three phases.


In Phase 1, your consultant will interpret the information obtained from the site searches and other publicly available information, such as geological and hydrological maps. They will also conduct a site walkover to gain an on-the-ground understanding of the area.


Physical sampling


SEPP 55 Contamination Assessment involves the physical sampling of the soil to confirm the level of contaminants. These results are compared against UK soil and groundwater thresholds (Generic Assessment Criteria or GAC) to determine if the land is contaminated and the extent to which it poses a risk. If the site is contaminated, remediation is needed. 


Level of contaminants


Phase 2 assessment involves the soil's physical sampling to confirm the contaminant level. These results are compared against UK soil and groundwater thresholds to determine if the land is contaminated and the extent to which it poses a risk. If the site is contaminated, remediation will be needed. It is Phase 3.


Check contamination to soil or groundwater.


Your consultant will agree to a Phase 3 remediation scheme with the Local Authority and can oversee and report on the scheme's progress. They can also manage the whole process on your behalf. The assessment ensures planning decisions take into account possible land contamination.


The inspection looks for evidence of current or past activities on the property that may have caused soil or groundwater contamination. It includes aerial photo interpretation and thorough ground inspection. The assessments involve much more detailed assessment and analysis to determine the extent and nature of contamination.

Monday, 18 April 2022

The Role of Vegetation Management Plan For the World


Sustainable development is not a mere buzzword among idealistic hippies or environmental activists. It is now part of a global policy trend among the many member-states of the United Nations. It is the non-binding and voluntarily-implemented plan that was formally encapsulated.

Progress versus sustainability

As a result, many countries have adopted national policies to balance environmental concerns and urban expansion. For instance, regulating vegetation management in populated areas is one of the various aspects of sustainable development policies at the local levels.

Urban expansion is an inevitable consequence of population growth and economic progress. As the population grows, the need for additional living spaces such as residential and recreational areas also increases. In addition, economic progress entails higher demand for industrial zones and business districts. Infrastructures such as roads also need to expand to accommodate the greater volume of vehicular traffic.

In most cases, removing trees and other vegetation becomes imperative. The need for fresher air, cooler weather, a more conducive habitat for other organisms, and protection against soil erosion often conflicts with urban development needs. This dilemma is sometimes not easy to resolve if there are no clear urban planning policies and laws regulating Vegetation Management Plan.

Vegetation risks

There are so many reason why there is a need to manage vegetation, such as for aesthetic purposes in landscape design and for practical reasons such as minimizing risks. The common risks involved include vegetation fire, accidental obstruction of road, short-circuiting of high-voltage power lines, injuries, and property damage. Vegetation fire is unpredictable, but it usually occurs during the dry season. It may also occur during a thunderstorm when the vegetation is hit by lightning.

The obstruction of roads may happen when large branches fall, or old trees topple. The risks are higher when there is a strong wind, such as during a typhoon or hurricane. The same is true for the risks concerning power lines being hit by branches. The falling branches or toppling trees may hit people, cars, and houses as strong winds hurl them. Even high-rise buildings are at risk from projectile branches and wood pieces.

Urban setting

Despite the risks involved in maintaining vegetation, they are still essential to urban settings. They provide a natural aesthetic balance. They serve as a buffer against carbon dioxide and other pollutants. They produce fresh oxygen and help regulate temperature. The leaves of trees are excellent providers of shades. They are also capable of dissipating the heat of direct sunlight, converting it into stored energy in the form of sugars and carbohydrates. Leaves also help prevent soil erosion by scattering and weakening the fall of raindrops. In turn, the soil and roots of plants will be able to soak in the water. The roots act as anchors for the soil and large boulders.


Trees and other well-integrated vegetation in the urban design are suitable for decorative purposes and have excellent practical functions. The overheating pavements can mitigate with the help of urban vegetation. Explore our services

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

4 Simple Tips to Locate the Best Environmental Consultancy in Town

Studies on the impact of environmental pollution are being carried out by several top research institutions around the world. This is not surprising given the rapid pace that the global economy has picked up over the last few decades. There has been big-time industrialization in this time. Similarly, a lot of mega infrastructure projects has been built during this time. With such growth trends, it is natural that people were worried about its impact on nature. However, there is some good news waiting, in the form of stricter standards that need to be followed by project developers. Almost every country has got its own set of stipulations. Take the case of Australia, where project developers need to adhere to certain standards and submit assessment reports for getting their project approved. A good example for an assessment is the SEPP55 Contamination Assessment. Sometimes project developers may have to submit a Preliminary Site Investigation report. A project owner needn’t know any of these things. This is because there are environmental consultancies that can help them out. There are many of them available in this country. How do you choose one? The following are some simple tips that will help you select one.

Business friends

One of the best ways to start the search would be to contact someone who is into a similar business. Find out from them about what they did when they needed to complete certain assessment studies. Which environmental consultancy did they hire? What is their opinion on them? Remember, there is nothing like getting some good first-hand information. This will help you make a good choice.

Gain knowledge

Yes, agreed that there are environmental consultancies available to help you with the different assessments. It is suggested that you too spent some time studying the different assessments. For example, if you need to do Bush Regeneration on a site, then go through literature on the topic. Similarly, if it is an industrial setup, you may need to know about Effluent Disposal Report. There are many good websites from where you can get good information. Make sure that you are noting down key points. You can also find a lot of informative videos on the topic. They will help you whenever you are interviewing environmental professionals.

List down questions

Based on your research keep a list of questions ready for the interviews. The questions should be such that they should leave no room for second guesses. You should clarify all your doubts with the environmental consultancies. Check out their payment terms. Find out how soon they would be completing the different assessments. Find out about the educational qualifications of the different members of their team who would be working on your project.

Check out experience

This is another important thing that you need to do. Make sure that you choose an agency that has got experience in the assessments that you want to be done. Have a detailed discussion with them. Ask them about their approach to your particular project. Find out whether they have handled a project similar to yours earlier. All this information matters for it will help you make the right decision.